WISN Principles of Elder Networking


  1. Elders, healers, sacred site guardians who are adept in indigenous wisdom are to hold the center or take the lead in Networking activities.
  2. Sacred Sites and life forms within and about the Sites are integral partners in Networking.
  3. Networking activities are inclusive. Communities and nature are vital participants.
  4. Networking activities are based in and sanctioned by oral and traditional wisdoms.
  5. Networking activities are built upon sovereignty, deriving from and expressed through the strengths of indigenous “best practices.”
  6. Networking aims to rediscover, remember and renew ancient pre history experiences and wisdom to foster genuine, deep relationship amongst cultural practitioners and sacred sites (including sacredness embodied in life forms within a bio cultural, linguistic and kinship sphere).
  7. The vision of networking is the healing and renewal of the planet through activating and re activating indigenous life ways and knowledge.