
WISN Principles of Elder Networking

NETWORKING IS ORGANIZED AROUND THESE PRINCIPLES: Elders, healers, sacred site guardians who are adept in indigenous wisdom are to hold the center or take the lead in Networking activities. Sacred Sites and life forms within and about the Sites are integral partners in Networking. Networking activities are inclusive. Communities and nature are vital participants. Networking […]

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Raven Spirit Stories

The blue eye of White Raven takes me in as I write. Thirty years have passed since I lived in my mobile home in the boreal forest of Southeast Alaska. It was there I met Raven both black and white and each gave me stories.

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On the Silk Road for Snow Leopard Conservation

Photo by Mark Zekhuis, c/o SLC. Raisins, dark purple and transparent gold, the currency of the Silk Road, fill a small plate on the rough-hewn table top of our Tien Shen mountain lodge. Central Asian fruit is in season and Marco Polo might have written a chapter on the flavor alone. In the first moment […]

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Painted Caves of France Inspire New Ways of Conserving Endangered Big Cats

Representing four corners of the earth—Asia, Africa, Europe, and North/South America—big cat shamans gathered with big cat scientists in historic meetings in the Caves of Southern France. They met in ceremony and dialogue to discuss ways to work together to save critically endangered sacred species, sacred sites, and indigenous cultures. In the presence of shamans […]

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